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Retailing and Older Adults

Health Care, Cosmetics, And Personal Care Products And Services

Older adults are targeted for health products and services that are less likely to be marketed to younger consumers and that may be designed to assist them in retaining a youthful appearance. These include products such as pharmaceuticals, and services such as eye and ear surgery as well as cosmetic surgery. The ‘‘fountain of youth’’ is often stressed in personal care products. Hairpieces and hair dyes, creams designed to make the skin look younger, and even outpatient cosmetic surgery are available for both men and women who want to ‘‘look as young as they feel.’’

Retailers and marketers promote health products specifically designed to treat illnesses that most often affect older adults. These promotions and products offer treatments, remedies, and therapies for afflictions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, eye and ear afflictions, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Those suffering from these and other functional disorders may require special diets and adaptive equipment. Adaptive devices such as wheelchairs, walkers, and beds, as well monitors of blood pressure and sugar levels, are promoted to older adults. Other products targeted to older adults include vitamins and nutritional supplements, such as high protein drinks and prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Older adults are also targeted for specific types of insurance focused on health issues such as long-term care insurance and insurance for specific illnesses such as cancer.

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Medicine EncyclopediaAging Healthy - Part 4Retailing and Older Adults - Direct Marketing And Retailing To Older Adults, Convenient Shopping And Special Promotions, Health Care, Cosmetics, And Personal Care Products And Services - Older adults as investors, Retailers as employers of older persons