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Retailing and Older Adults

Caregiver And Grandparent Roles

Older adults often find themselves in the role of caregiver—caring for a spouse, a friend, or a parent. Caregivers are targeted by marketers and retailers for products designed to make this role easier. Included are adaptive devices such as a ramp or stair lift that takes the place of steps or stairs. Also promoted to the caregiver are home security systems and emergency response systems that automatically notify authorities in case of a medical or fire emergency. Smaller items include tape to secure carpets and rugs, and throw rugs designed not to slip on floor surfaces.

Products and services are also targeted to older people as the grandparents/caregivers of young people. These include toys—often expensive ones—designed for the doting grandparent to give to a grandchild, as well as investments such as a college education for the grandchild. Some prospective grandmothers are even given baby showers. Cribs, strollers, books and videotapes, computer games and videogames, safety gates for stairs, and children’s apparel are often marketed and sold to older adults to be given as gifts. Some retailers estimate that 30 percent of all sales of children’s products are to grandparents (Jeffrey and Collins). In addition, many older adults provide childcare for grandchildren and other young people—thus, another reason to purchase such products.

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