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Retailing and Older Adults

Convenient Shopping And Special Promotions

Older adults tend to be quality-conscious, preferring a few high-quality items rather than a larger number of lower-quality ones. In addition, they look for added comfort. For most, the ski jacket that costs an extra fifty dollars but keeps them dry and warm is worth the higher price. Like most other consumers, they want hassle-free shopping and do not like long checkout lines. Safe and convenient shopping locations are especially important to older consumers. In fact, housing that attracts older adults is often located close to grocery stores and shopping malls.

Some retailers have special promotions designed to attract older people into their stores. Some may offer special delivery services, and others may offer senior citizen days or open houses just for them and their caregivers. Others offer senior citizen discounts and special services such as free giftwrapping. However, some older adults reject these discounts as stigmatizing and damaging to their self-image. Retailers and marketers cannot assume that senior discounts will appeal to all older adults.

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