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Psychiatric Disease in Relation to Physical Illness

The Global Burden Of Disease

Finally, Murray and Lopez, working with The World Health Organization and the World Bank, have described the "global burden of disease," as a reference to the death and disability for the six billion people on Earth. They found that heart disease, which is related to depression, was the most common cause of death; suicide was the twelfth (highest among elderly, white males); cirrhosis of the liver and lung disease were thirteenth and sixth, respectively (think of the role of drinking and smoking in mental illness). Major depression was found to be the most common disabling disease. The world's top three causes for DALYs (disability adjusted life year) were heart disease, major depression, and stroke. These findings show how important psychiatric disease is in relation to physical illness worldwide.



EASTWOOD, M. R. "Physical Illness and Depression: A Number of Conundrums." Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry. Edited by J. R. M. Copeland, M. T. Abou-Saleh, and D. G. Blazer. Chichester, U.K.: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1994.

KESSLER, R. C.; MCGONAGLE, K. A.; ZHAO, S.; et al. "Lifetime and 12 Month Prevalence of DSM-III-R Psychiatric Disorders in the United States: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey." Archives of General Psychiatry 51 (1994): 8–19.

MURPHY, J. M.; MONSON, R. R.; OLIVIER, D. C.; SOBOL, A. M.; and LEIGHTON, A. H. "Affective Disorders and Mortality: A General Population Study." Archives of General Psychiatry 44 (1987): 473–480.

MURRAY, C. J. L., and LOPEZ, A. D., eds. The Global Burden of Disease: A Comprehensive Assessment of Mortality and Disability from Diseases, Injuries and Risk Factors in 1990 and Projected to 2020. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996.

ROBINS, L. N., and REGIER, D. A., eds. Psychiatric Disorders in America: The Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study. New York: The Free Press, 1991.

WEISSMAN, M. M.; BLAND, R. C.; CANINO, G. J.; et al. "Cross National Epidemiology of Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder." Journal of the American Medical Association 276 (1996): 293–299.

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Medicine EncyclopediaAging Healthy - Part 3Psychiatric Disease in Relation to Physical Illness - Epidemiology, The Clinical Conundrum, The Global Burden Of Disease