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Types Of Transplants, The Genetic Basis Of Transplant Rejection, The Mechanisms Of Transplant Rejection, The Supply Crisis In Transplantation

Modern medicine continues to offer many miracles that lengthen the life spans of humans, as well as greatly increase the quality of life that they enjoy. If one were to draw up a "top ten" list of technical feats, surely the ability to successfully transplant an entire organ from one human to another would be high on the list. Transplantation can be defined as the transfer of cells, tissues, or organs from one site in an individual to another, or between two individuals. In the latter case, the individual who provides the transplant organ is termed a donor, and the individual receiving the transplant is known as the recipient. The science of transplant biology has, in fact, become a victim of its own success, in that the demand for organs exceeds the supply of donors.

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Medicine EncyclopediaGenetics in Medicine - Part 4