Latin America
Demographic Background, Literacy, Living Arrangements, Economic Activity And Retirement, Pension Policy
Although Latin American populations are still fairly young (8 percent were over age sixty in 2000), the countries are aging in a quietly rapid way that could soon overwhelm existing infrastructures. Even as they struggle to develop economically, Latin American populations are aging far faster than those in western Europe, Canada, or the United States, a consequence of past successes in fertility and mortality reductions. By 2030 an estimated 1 in 6.3 people in Latin America will be age sixty or above. In addition, future elderly populations there will include a larger proportion of "old old" (age eighty or above), females, and disabled people. The new reality will include an increased demand for adequate pensions and health services. In the short term, at least, the new reality will include large proportions of elders who are poorly educated, who are in the informal economic sector, and who lack adequate health service or pension coverage. The new reality should give cause for concern.
Additional topics
- Learning - Classical Conditioning, Instrumental Conditioning
- Language Disorders - Language Disorders In Older Adults, Language Deficits In Early Alzheimer's Disease And Other Progressive Conditions
- Latin America - Demographic Background
- Latin America - Literacy
- Latin America - Living Arrangements
- Latin America - Economic Activity And Retirement
- Latin America - Pension Policy
- Other Free Encyclopedias