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Human Factors

Human Factors Engineering

Human factors engineering is the study of human beings and their interactions with products, environments, and equipment in the performance of tasks and activities. The field of human factors is interdisciplinary, encompassing the disciplines of engineering, psychology, computer science, physiology, and biomechanics. The focus of human factors research is the study of human capabilities, limitations, and characteristics in relation to real world activities and systems. Relevant research projects might include understanding the implications of age-related changes in vision for the design of visual displays or how age-related changes in memory impact the ability of seniors to learn to use new technologies.

The objectives of humans factors are to improve the fit between people and the designed environment so that performance, safety, comfort, and user satisfaction are maximized. To achieve these goals, human factors engineering uses a systems approach to design, where the capabilities and limitations of the user are evaluated relative to the demands generated by products and tasks. An example of this approach would be evaluating the force requirements necessary to operate a hand control, such as door knob, relative to the grasping and strength capabilities of the intended user population.

The focus on user-centered design makes human factors engineering a natural discipline to address the problems of older adults and help them retain and enjoy independence in their later years. Using the techniques and methods of human factors it is possible to understand the impact of age-related changes in abilities on the performance of everyday tasks and activities, identify areas where problems and difficulties arise, and discover solutions to address them. These solutions might include redesign of equipment or environments, interface design solutions, training solutions, or suggestions for the development of new products or technologies.

Areas in which human factors engineering can be used to improve the lives of older people include: mobility/transportation, living environments, and information technology (for a discussion of health care applications see Czaja, 2000).

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Medicine EncyclopediaAging Healthy - Part 2Human Factors - Human Factors Engineering, Mobility And Transportation, Living Environments, Computer Technology And Information Systems, Conclusion