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Employee Health Insurance

The History And Economic Theory Of Employer-provided Health Insurance, Prevalence And Types Of Health Insurance Coverage

Almost one out of every seven dollars spent in the United States is spent on health care, with average expenditures per person increasing with age. It is not surprising, then, that health care insurance is of primary importance not only for all Americans, but especially for aging Americans. While all individuals over the age of sixty-five are eligible for Medicare, the federal government program of health insurance for elderly persons, the predominant option for adults under the age of sixty-five is health insurance that is related to employment. With a focus on individuals nearing traditional retirement age, this article will discuss the history and economic theory behind employer-provided health insurance, the prevalence and types of coverage provided, the impacts on work and retirement decisions of having health insurance be tied to employment, and recent legislation of health insurance in the United States.

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Medicine EncyclopediaAging Healthy - Part 2