1 minute read

Driving Ability


Age-related restrictions on the relicensing of older drivers in the United States is an issue that affects millions of people. While it affects the driver directly, it affects many people indirectly. Someone's ability to continue driving affects the people who may depend on that person for transportation; it affects that person's spouse, family and friends, who are concerned both for the person's happiness and quality of life, and it affects public safety officials, who must remain vigilant of potential problems.

Most older drivers are safe drivers. Although a popular public policy debate, regulating older drivers is done principally by the individual, not government, and with great success. In other words, older drivers routinely practice self-regulation—they choose not to drive in conditions that they believe are difficult or may present a dangerous situation. For example, most older drivers begin to drive less in the evening to compensate for diminished night vision and problems with glare. Other drivers feel less comfortable on busy highways, or driving in poor weather; choosing, therefore, routes and schedules that allow them to avoid troublesome conditions. Self-regulating driving behavior allows older adults to maintain their mobility and independence while optimizing their safety and the safety of others.

Additional topics

Medicine EncyclopediaAging Healthy - Part 1Driving Ability - The Natural Aging Process And Driving Ability, Physical, Perceptual, And Cognitive Function, Self-regulation