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Age Discrimination


Prejudice and stereotyping lead to age discrimination that can affect everyone. It disadvantages older workers, resulting in an ineffective use of human resources. Ageist beliefs influence health care providers' professional training and service delivery, which in turn negatively affect older patients' treatment and health outcomes. Narrow views of aging lead people to ignore substantial differences among older adults' driving abilities and to underappreciate their social needs. Ongoing education is needed to inform those in power that age is a poor predictor of performance and ability and should not be a basis of discrimination.



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CALLAHAN, D. Setting Limits: Medical Goals in an Aging Society. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986.

CROWN, W. H., ed. Handbook on Employment and the Elderly. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1996.

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FALK, U. A., and FALK, G. Ageism, the Aged and Aging in America. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Ltd., 1997.

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MASSIE, D.; CAMPBELL, K.; and WILLIAMS, A. "Traffic Accident Involvement Rates by Driver Age and Gender." Accident Analysis and Prevention 27 (1995): 73–87.

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RUBENSTEIN, L.; MARMOR, T.; STONE, R.; MOON, M.; and HAROOTYAN, L. "Medicare: Challenges and Future Directions in a Changing Health Care Environment." The Gerontologist 35 (1994): 620–627.

SHAW, A. B. "In Defense of Ageism." Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (1994): 188–191.

WEST, H. L., and LEVY, W. J. "Knowledge of Aging in the Medical Profession." Gerontology and Geriatric Education 4 (1985): 97–105.

ZWEIBEL, N. R.; CASSEL, C. K.; and KARRISON, T. "Public Attitudes About the Use of Chronological Age as a Criterion for Allocating Health Care Resources." The Gerontologist (1993): 74–80.

Additional topics

Medicine EncyclopediaAging Healthy - Part 1Age Discrimination - Employment And The Adea, Older Patients In The Health Care System, Older Drivers, Interpersonal Interactions And Social Segregation