Cellular Aging: Cell Death
Cellular Senescence
First identified in the late 1960s by Leonard Hayflick and his collaborators, the term cellular senescence refers to the fact that normal, nonmalignant cells of vertebrates do not divide indefinitely in culture, but in time terminally differentiate and enter a prolonged postmitotic phase, eventually dying in the culture dish. Because the number of divisions that the cells can undergo is inversely related to the age at which they were explanted, cellular senescence has been associated with aging—though there is little evidence that, except in limited situations, individuals at the ends of their lives have "run out of cells." The mechanism for cell senescence is not completely understood. One explanation for the limitation in cell replication is based on the importance of the end-piece, or telomere, of a chromosome. The manner in which DNA is
Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) image showing the death of a cell (apoptosis).
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- Cellular Aging: Cell Death - Cell Death: Programmed, Apoptosis, And Necrosis
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