High-Throughput Screening
How The Process Works, The Uses Of Hts Assays
High-throughput screening (HTS) is an automated method for rapidly analyzing the activity of thousands of chemical compounds. It has become a key tool in modern drug discovery. Paired with combinatorial chemistry and bioinformatics, HTS allows potential drugs to be quickly and efficiently screened to find candidates that should be explored in more detail.
Additional topics
- HIV - Hiv And Aids, Hiv Life Cycle: Entering Cells, Hiv Life Cycle: Reproduction, Hiv's Immune-system Impairment Mechanism
- Heterozygote Advantage - Agricultural Significance, Hypotheses Of Heterozygote Advantage, Heterozygote Superiority In Humans
- High-Throughput Screening - How The Process Works
- High-Throughput Screening - The Uses Of Hts Assays
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