The backrest supports the spine and can extend to include support of the head if needed. The height will depend on the person’s needs, but a proper back should support normal posture, prevent pain and fatigue, and allow maximal mobility. The hammock or sling back, like the sling seat, folds easily with the chair but does
Figure 2 Wheelchair: 1. Arm pad; 2. Desk-style removable arm rest; 3. Clothes guard; 4. Sling seat; 5. Down tube; 6. Foot rest; 7. Bottom rail; 8. Cross-brace; 9. Caster; 10. Caster fork; 11. Footplate; 12. Tipping lever; 13. Axle; 14. Seat rail; 15. Arm rest bracket; 16. Arm rest bracket; 17. Handrim; 18. Wheel; 19. Wheel lock; 20. Back post; 21. Sling back; 22. Push handle
Push handles can be part of the frame or the back rest and are generally added if the individual will need someone to assist them in propelling the chair all or part of the time.
Additional topics
Medicine EncyclopediaAging Healthy - Part 4Wheelchairs - Frames, Seats, Backrest, Arm Rests, Footrests, Wheels, Safety, Power Mobility - Cost, Clothing guards