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Professional Organizations

Canadian Professional Organizations

The development of professional organizations in Canada has paralleled that of similar associations in the United States, but the proliferation of such groups has been considerably less. This may be because the total population of Canada is less than the total numbers of U.S. seniors. The official languages of the three major associations are English and French.

Canadian Geriatric Research Society. The CGRS was established in 1955 as a national scientific medical association. Its primary objective has been to encourage the funding of basic scientific and clinical research in geriatric medicine. Its membership is drawn from biological and clinical researchers, medical educators, and physicians. Its concerns center on gerontological/geriatric research, education, and training, as is reflected in its information dissemination and educational activities, including an annual conference. The CGRS houses the J. W. Crane Memorial Library, a database of more than six thousand titles.

The Canadian Society of Geriatric Medicine. A complementary organization, the Canadian Society of Geriatric Medicine, was established in 1981. In contrast to the more academic focus of the CGRS, the CSGM serves practitioners. Its concerns center on patient health care and geriatric practice, long-term care, geriatric medical education and training, and specialized medical services for older persons. The CSGM holds an annual meeting in the early fall and publishes a quarterly newsletter for its members.

The Canadian Association on Gerontology. The CAG, established in 1971 by 185 founding members, was formally incorporated in 1973. It is a national, multidisciplinary association dedicated to fostering research, education, and policy aimed at improving the quality of life for older Canadians. This mission is accomplished by encouraging studies in gerontology, disseminating information, improving service administration, and enhancing communication and cooperation among the professions and disciplines serving older adults. The CAG espouses the philosophy that older persons are entitled to make informed decisions about their own lives and situations. It advocates for the development of a just government policy that fosters the freedom of older adults to conduct their lives in accordance with this principle. The creation of knowledge and its practical application are key to realizing these beliefs (www.cagagc.com).

CAG members include health care practitioners, government agency personnel, social and behavioral scientists, biological and clinical researchers, social service providers, educators, businesspeople, and older persons. Its priority concerns are health, nutrition, and long-term care; income security and employment of older workers; and housing and the environment.

CAG publications include a quarterly, The Canadian Journal on Aging; the quarterly CAG Newsletter; position papers on home care and seniors and prescription drugs; and two monographs, Abuse and Neglect of Older Canadians: Strategies for Change and National Forum on Closing the Care Gap. The CAG holds an annual meeting in the fall, with an emphasis on special student activities and the publication The Student Connection. It presents three annual awards for contributions to the organization and the field, and two student awards. CAG is a member of the International Association of Gerontology (CPA World Directory of Old Age).

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Medicine EncyclopediaAging Healthy - Part 3Professional Organizations - Professional Organizations, U.s. Professional Associations, Canadian Professional Organizations, Professional Organizations In Other Nations