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Everyday Problem Solving

Social Context Of Everyday Problem Solving

A recent focus in the area of everyday cognitive competence research is the consideration of the social context of everyday cognitive performance. Cognitive collaboration research is built on the premise that, in addition to assessing adults' performance on "real-world" tasks, it is important to take into account the everyday context of problem solving—that is, with social partners such as one's spouse. Older adults have demonstrated enhanced performance when working with a social partner on several types of everyday problem-solving tasks, such as prose recall and social problem solving. This line of research holds much promise, as cognitive collaboration with social partners may enhance older adults' everyday cognitive performance, possibly compensating for normative age-related decline.

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Medicine EncyclopediaAging Healthy - Part 3Everyday Problem Solving - Life-span Approach To Everyday Problem Solving, Social Context Of Everyday Problem Solving, Interventions Into Everyday Cognition