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Area Agencies on Aging

Function And Responsibility Of An Aaa

The main function of an AAA is to be the community focal point in administering OAA program objectives. The main objective for an AAA is to create aging programs in the local community that will foster, assist, and encourage independence in older adults. To meet these objectives, agencies assume the following responsibilities:

  • • Assessing the needs of older persons in the community
  • • Identifying service gaps in the community, and finding solutions to meet the needs of the community and fill the service gaps
  • • Developing a comprehensive and coordinated service plan, called an Area Plan, which is submitted to the State Unit on Aging for approval
  • • Funding services with available resources, based on need
  • • Monitoring service providers and evaluating the effectiveness of service
  • • Serving as a visible and effective advocate for all older adults in the planning service area

Not all AAAs perform the same function in every community, but they all serve as a conduit to services for older adults. Nationally, all AAAs are responsible for administering OAA funds. In addition, many states designate the AAA to administer other funds, including Medicaid Waiver funds, state general fund revenues for older adult programs, Title XX funds, and even some local tax-generated service dollars. Area Agencies on Aging administer these funds largely through contracts with local service providers. Technically, AAAs may only provide information, referral, outreach, and case management services; a waiver from the state is required to provide other direct services. In order to provide other services, an AAA must demonstrate that no other provider is available, or that an adequate supply of services for older adults does not exist.

Additional topics

Medicine EncyclopediaAging Healthy - Part 1Area Agencies on Aging - Creating An Aaa, Function And Responsibility Of An Aaa, The Planning Process, Accessing Services